I know every mom has days like today. Days where you look up at the sky/whatever God you pray to, and chant your mantra "I am grateful for my kids, I am grateful for my kids. I am doing a great and wonderful thing by staying home with them." all whilst your two and a half year old screams and kicks the hardwood floor because you wouldn't let him watch "Dinosaurs" for the 3rd time today, and your 7 month old has bitten your shoulder, while stirring the rice that has now burned to the bottom of the pan on the stove. Oh and then your phone rings.. good luck with that. I have small milestones that I look forward to on hard days to get me through.. things like turning the coffee maker on at 8am when I've gotten up with Emma, and the smell of the freshly brewed coffee splashes into my cup, or 4pm, when we go for our afternoon walk in the stroller to the elementary school park down the road and I let Hunter run around the campus and play on the playground. If we still live here in 2 years I want him to be familiar with the elementary school he will go to. :)
Today was rough. I feel like Hunter hears me ask him to do something and thinks "Oh mom's voice isn't too mad yet, I guess I can keep not listening to her." Then when I yell he finally goes "OH!! Sorry!!" and then does it. I would like for him to listen to me before it gets to that point. :/ 8 o clock came and I found myself on craigslist, browsing through part time office positions.. I wasn't seriously looking, but I was fantasizing what it would be like to be in an office again, with people my own age, having adult conversations (well not ADULT conversations but you know what I mean.) Sometimes the mommies at the playground weird me out, its hard to make friends and have conversations with them. This mom of twin 18 month olds was at the park today and she let her toddler wander right up to the road... I was like "uhhhhh." and watching the street ready to run after him if she didn't. Her friend was a boho chic organic vegan purist dressed in something I'm sure was woven in hemp. It was hard to take her seriously as she explained that her daughter was only allowed to eat food from unprocessed plants who had died prior to being plucked from the earth. (Insert raised eyebrows and crickets) To each her own I guess, as I stuffed Hunter's mouth with a doritos chip and wiped the cheese on my own shirt.
Anyways.. I'm not sure where I'm going with this post except that today was rough, I miss being a working adult who interacts with other adults on a daily basis, and the kisses from Hunter and Emma at bed time made the whole day worth it...however if I had wine in the house you BET I would have poured a glass... Goodnight.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
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The Oestreich Family

Hi Corinne! I hope your having a better day today! I'm Heather and I was hoping you would be willing to answer a quick question I have about you blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail.com