Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Service Dog for Hunter

Facebook is filled with a lot of useless stuff. I mean..a LOT of useless stuff. Videos and articles that do nothing but take up your time and distract you from life around you, but once and a while there is something really awesome that Facebook shows me. Sometimes it can be life-changing.

The article was titled "15 Amazing Things Your Dog Can Sense About You."

..and as I read the article it dawned on me that if a service dog can help a child with Diabetes, or Autism, maybe they can also help a child with Tourettes, and OCD and A.P.A.D!! I started googling things and was up until almost 2am. I discovered that yes there are indeed Service Dogs for children with Tourettes and that they've been very successful! The next day I spent the entire day emailing and calling every Service Dog center in the state of CA looking for a place that could help us with our needs. Finally I got in touch with a place called "Operation Freedom Paws" in Gilroy, and they said they could help!

We submitted our application and letters from Hunter's Dr, and this coming week we get to go look at some of their dogs. I am so excited for my Hunter, that we can try this therapy for him instead of resorting to medication that come with a host of side effects. What we want most of all is to be able to provide our son with the tools and training to help manage his Tourettes and his Anxiety so he can be successful in everything he pursues in life, and we really believe a Service Dog will help him.

Here's hoping that all goes well on Wednesday and we can meet a little savior that will be able to help our family gain some peace and comfort.

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The Oestreich Family