The other day I posted a status on Facebook about my husband Jason. It read as follows..
"I am so incredibly lucky to have Jason Oestreich
as my husband. I NEVER have to ask him to wash dishes, or take out the
trash, because he does it before I even notice it needs to be cleaned.
He is supportive, loving, hilarious, and now more than ever we have our
communication skills honed. He even takes the kids in the early morning
so I can sleep in a few hours extra after being up with them at night,
and he does this almost every morning. He texts me all day just to ask
how we are doing at home, and encourages me to go out with friends. You
guys.. I am SO incredibly blessed. I just can't love him enough.. I am
so lucky."
It is so incredible to me as each day goes by how I am falling in love with my husband all over again. I've decided that love is cyclical, flowing in the shape of a spiral. There are times when it twists up, when I hug him a little tighter, for no reason, or smell him and don't want to say good bye as he leaves for work, and then there are times when it tips down, where I am so busy that I hardly have time to put his needs on my brain. But I continue to love him.
Today he picked up an order from Chipotle for us to eat for lunch and as I rattled off how I wanted my burrito bowl, he laughed and went to get a pen and paper. "Your orders are always so complicated!" he said. I recoiled, no they're not! I fed the kids, and began cleaning the house and he came home at 1:30pm, just enough time to drop off my food, give Hunter and Emma a kiss goodbye (me too) and leave for work. I sat down after feeding Emma to eat my own lunch and realized he got the wrong salsa. (Gah! Seriously?! He wrote it down!) Then my brain went "Whoa.... slow down hormonal crazy person... not only did he get you an awesome lunch.. he also put three things on it that you FORGOT to tell him you You wanna try and calm down now?? Seriously.. just be glad he wasn't here for this ridiculous display of ungratefulness." Thanks brain.. thanks for the reality check. I am constantly catching myself complaining in my thoughts about stupid little things that are NOT EVEN CLOSE to being worth complaining about.
I am finding that I love him more intensely, more completely today than I loved him on our wedding day. Seeing him as a father, and as a provider is the sexiest thing I have ever seen on him. Oh that and blue jeans and no! Hahahaha ok... I'll stop.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
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