After reading this article today...
I could not remain silent. I cried. I cried for all of the families who not only have to suffer the loss of their loved ones, but who now suffer further pain because of this Government shutdown. I wrote the following letter to my local Congressman. I don't know if he will even read it...or how much good it will actually do, but short of storming the castle this is as much as I can do right now as a voter.
Here is my letter:
Mr. Swalwell,
My name is Corinne Oestreich. I am 26 years old and a mother of two small children. I have been married to my husband, a combat veteran of the United States Marine Corps for over 4 years and have been a Democratic voter since 2004. I am beyond heart broken at recent events in our Government. I am a supporter of the Affordable Care act. I understand its importance, and I understand the problems the Act has and agree it needs some reform at a future time. I can see where Tea Party Republicans are upset and desire change but I cannot understand why Tea Party Republicans who claim to be avid supporters of our Military and their families condone and allow this Government shutdown to continue when it results in families of our fallen Marines and Soldiers denied their Grievance pay. I am in tears. A very very close and dear friend of mine lost her husband in Aug 2011 in Afghanistan. I remember having to watch her suffer the loss of her husband while she was 5 months pregnant with two other small boys under the age of 4. It was a very very hard time for her, and she depended upon that pay after her husband passed to get all of his funeral things in order. She was able to afford her flight to see his body carried off the airplane upon landing back in his country. She was able to have at least some ease on her mind that financially she would be supported as she sorted out how her new life would go. This Government shutdown is HURTING Americans...hurting our military families in their time of pain and when they need our support most of all. Not only are our hero's families forgotten in this time, but families who depend on WIC to feed their babies, or even our Veterans who depend on the GI bill to pay for school, or active military who rely on tuition assistance. I can't help crying at how wrong this all is. It makes me angry to know that members of Congress are protected financially by the 27th amendment when our Gold Star military families suffer not only emotional loss but also the pay that is needed to get them stability in their time of grief. Please. I cannot beg you enough. Please represent me, my family, and the friends close to my heart who have lost loved ones over seas. Tell Congress to end this government shutdown NOW. I can tell you one thing, if action is not taken immediately I will not be voting in any constituents in the next election.
A concerned Combat Veteran's wife,
Corinne Oestreich
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
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