Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nesting?? At 5 months! Yayyyyy...

So I have to say, today was the most productive day in this house since we moved in. Haha. After my math class I instantly set to work cleaning the entire kitchen, and overhauling the living room. Then I unpacked a bunch of boxes that were still in our guest room. After I did that I put up some Halloween decorations! Not a lot, but enough to add some October flare to the living room. Jason went to Fleet Farm and got some rakes and a compost bin so I can start making my own compost for when spring comes around and I set up my garden. He raked the yard and I tackled the high chair that my brother in law gave us. It was pretty dirty, but man is it bright and shiny now! I need to buy a new pad for the chair but everything else will work great! Luckily I'll have a few months after Hunter is born before I even have to get a high chair set up.

Tomorrow I meet with a woman from Avon who's going to give me some more information about working for them! I would be able to sell the products from home or even online. So we'll see. I will know more tomorrow.


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