Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My amazing little family.

Lately I have been taking the time to observe and truly appreciate my family. When I was 16 years old, I used to lay in my bed and dream about who my future husband would be. I have always had a thing for blonde haired blue eyed white boys.. haha. All my crushes in Elementary School and High School were blonde. I imagined my husband would be as well. Then I would dream about my children I would have. Would I have one? Two? More? How about a house? Where would I live? What car would I be driving?

Its so weird to think that all of those questions have been answered! I have a blonde haired blue eyed AMAZING husband, and two beautiful children. A girl and a boy. We have three vehicles, and a three bedroom house. My son is hilarious. I absolutely love watching him grow. He recently began giving his toys personalities as he plays. That to me is so fascinating! My daughter just started on solid foods, and I am weaning her off of nursing as I am going to be pregnant again soon as a surrogate. My life is so wonderful. I have never been so happy. My marriage is better than ever, and my relationship with my children gets more and more fun every day.

I am truly blessed.


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The Oestreich Family

The Oestreich Family