My son has Tourettes Syndrome.
This past week my son turned 4. He was also officially diagnosed with Tourettes. Why am I choosing to write about this so publicly? I think the main reason I do it is to protect my son. I feel that by making those I know aware of his Tourettes, it protects him from any embarrassment or misunderstandings. He has "Tics" that he does, that he NEEDS to do. Its like when you have an itch, and you can't NOT scratch it. He can't prevent his tic-ing.
Tourettes Syndrome:Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette's syndrome, Tourette's disorder, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, GTS or, more commonly, simply Tourette's or TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. These tics characteristically wax and wane, can be suppressed temporarily, and are preceded by a premonitory urge. Tourette's is defined as part of a spectrum of tic disorders, which includes provisional, transient and persistent (chronic) tics.
Hunter has had several tics that have changed over time. Wiping his mouth repeatedly to the point of drying out, coughing even while eating, hard eye blinking, and most recently he clicks the back of his throat but sometimes it gets so bad that he stops breathing so that he can do it.
I'm not writing this to draw attention to or to dramatize anything, this is something he will struggle with. I want to normalize it for him, to not allow it to fall into the shadows and never talked about. I want those who know and love him to know he isn't being naughty or misbehaving. His actions are not preventable. I'm hoping to learn different techniques for how to discipline him as he also has high anxiety and possibly OCD. He strives on routine. I sometimes feel exhausted trying to monitor and make sure that his triggers are avoided so that we can avoid a tantrum. I try not to hover while he plays but I always feel ready to swoop in and explain why he's freaking out about one thing or another to the other child's parent. I'm still learning about this...and I'm just asking for some patience and support from my friends and family as we figure this all out. I'm hoping that if we are all aware of what he's dealing with, that we can all find loving ways to help him.
To read more on Tourettes:
Please watch this too...
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